So far I've bought and played each edition of Giant Monster Rampage. The third edition is well worth getting.
Likes: Combat maneuvers have been stream-lined down from earlier versions.
Dislikes: My only grievance is the trying-to-hit combat roll and this has been the same in each edition of the rules.
All through the rules your roll under your stat.
"Any monster hit by an attack enhanced with daze must roll equal to or under their instinct rating on a d10."
"If this monster rolls equal to or under its dexterity on a d10 it cannot be knocked back."
"Whenever a monster is hit by an attack enhanced with knock down it must roll equal to or under its dexterity on a d10 or be knocked down."
"In order to attack a camouflaged monster the attacker must first roll equal to or under its instinct rating on a d10."
In each of these 4 examples you have to roll UNDER a stat.
But in combat you have to roll OVER a 6 on a d10 to score a hit.
"You must roll equal to or over the target number on a d10 for the attack to be successful. All attacks have a base target number of 6. This number is then modified based on things like range and cover. Once all of the modifiers have been added to or subtracted from the base target number of 6 the resulting number is the to hit target number. A target number can never be less than 2 or higher than 10. An attack roll of a 1 always misses and an attack roll of a 10 always hits."
This just seems to go against the rest of the rules! Why not make the target number a 4, and try to roll UNDER this? It's the same degree of change. All the modifiers need not be changed at all… just apply them to the die roll, not the target number. A roll of 1 always hits, a roll of 10 always misses.
Plus a "Cheat Sheet" of modifiers, to hand out to other players for speeding up the game, would have been a big plus..