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A Matter of Honor
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A Matter of Honor
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Marco K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2009 10:53:51

Somewhat strange ... and no more than a fleeting idea given some shape.

... ok, perhaps at $ 0.99 you cannot expect too much, so it is not surpising that everything about this adventure is very micro ... except for its file-size of course.

Beside two stat blocks and a micro map you get three almost half pages and one almost full page of text.

Nonetheless the whole lot of it sums up to an astounding 25MB!!! file-size like a full 500-page rule-book.

Perhaps it would have been a good idea to at least automatically reduce file-size with Adobe Acrobat - resulting in a nice 650KB file after barely 10 seconds of work.

To sum it up: Just an average idea given some small shape at a very large size.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Marco, OOPS! Thanks for the head's up. I went back and checked the production files and the settings were wrong. The size-issue has been corrected and the file is now a much more suitable size of 1.88 MB. Should you ever notice odd issues like this with future products, please feel free to contact us directly using the Contact Publisher link and let us know so we can get them fixed.
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