The "old school" revolution, as typified by Castles & Crusades and other games, is really synonymous with various "classic" versions of D&D. Dragon Warriors belongs to the old school style, but is unique in that it has nothing to do with D&D. Dragon Warriors is an incredibly simple, quick, and flavorful British RPG that is perhaps the best introductory RPG I've ever come across. The character creation guides you through a very easy process whereby you can easily generate a character in 10-15 minutes. The game is class-based as opposed to skill-based. The classes are slightly more specific than most D&D clones; instead of a generic fighter you get a knight. Instead of a rogue you get an assassin. There are four spellcasting classes and a barbarian as well. I like the classes, but do have to say that they are quite unbalanced (the barbarian has virtually nothing to look forward to once you get past rank 1). Combat is very fast and extremely deadly (three good blows will drop you). Spells are a bit unbalanced as well; I am seriously thinking of changing some of the rankings of the lower level spells to higher level. The default setting is the dark and very "authentic"-medieval Lands of Legend (think medieval England with a bit of Harn crossed with Warhammer). Perhaps the thing I most enjoy about Dragon Warriors is that I feel I can house rule it to my heart's content without throwing the rest of the rules seriously out of whack (I'm looking at you D&D 4e...). Dragon Warriors is a delight -- easy, fast, colorful, and well worth your florins. And the artwork is terrific.