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Dragon Warriors RPG
Publisher: Magnum Opus Press
by Ardon L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2011 21:54:12

An excellent book. I've the original Dragonwarriors RPG books which was published in the 80's in paperback. This new edition is a faithful reproduction of the original with some new abilities added for most of the character classes. It has also been reorganized and is now more consistent. My only disapointment is that the timeline (as presented in this new edition) is still fixed at the same time as the original version. 30 years is not a long time in a medieval context but it is still enough time for a new generation to arise. There should have been some (minor) changes in the game world of Legend. Other than that, this is an excellent introduction to the Dragonwarriors RPG.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon Warriors RPG
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