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Dragon Warriors RPG
Publisher: Magnum Opus Press
by Kun X. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2009 11:28:46

A product written with heart and soul, Dragon Warriors is a fantasy role-playing game that is of light to medium crunch, easy to learn and comes with a deep setting that is rooted in our own historical world. If you have read Blood Swords game-books and digs its background, then rejoice, for the world of Legend is indeed the setting for Dragon Warriors.

The rules are straightforward; either it is percentile based or a simple roll under, usually in the form of rolling D20 under your Attacking Stat - your opponent's Defending Stat. Classes are varied - knights, barbarians, sorcerer, mystics, warlocks, assassins and elementalists - each with a different feel to them. Knights are the disciplined fighter, while barbarians are more nimble and savage in their attacks.

Sorcerers use spells which are "shock and awe" but has very poor combat skill. Mystics fare better in hand to hand but their spells are milder and more of a support nature. Elementalists have some ad-hoc magic abilities but their formulaic spells are wide in scope and have applications for roleplaying. The warlock is a warrior-mage combination who can cast two 'buff' spells per round. The assassin is the thief/rogue of the mix.

This game was written in the 1985 to 1986, and the text is casual, conversational and interesting. It does not read like a dry technical manual which many core rulebooks have become, nor is it overloaded with fluff that you can't discern rules from flavor text.

Arguably, the setting is what make Dragon Warriors different from the pack. The world of Legend, as noted, is based on our historical world. There are many common elements, and what probably is fantastic and mythic in our world is real in Legend (those are hints, rather than a direct parallel). Not be mistaken for Ars Magica's Mythic Europe, the world of Legend is familiar because it borrows elements from our own, but at the same time different the treatment it takes for each of them.

Ellesland, a medieval parallel of England, is given the most spotlight and attention. It is a feudal kingdom and the social structure is well explained in the background material. The setting also includes exotic write-up of Mungadoa, the new Selentine Empire and many more. If you have read the Blood Sword books, many of those names would sound familiar.

In term of completeness, you can run Dragon Warriors without any other supplement. A minimal bestiary is given - stats are there but most of the fluff text removed. There is an introduction adventure, ideas for your own campaign and the familiarity the setting means that one would have no problem of dreaming of adventures and encounters.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon Warriors RPG
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