Elkram are basically bipedal elk, with cleft hooves for feet and five-fingered humanoid hands. As you might imagine, elkram feel closely connected to nature, but also to the "spirit world." The latter connection comes out in the elkram's racial power, ethereal jaunt, which allows them to become insubstantial for a short time. The sentinel paragon path also plays off of this ethereal connection.
In addition to PC statistics and a racial paragon path, author Jack Smith IV also provides five elkram "monster" stat blocks, two notable NPCs, and one magic item—all fully statted out. The product also includes three adventure hooks (one paragraph each), three location starters (one paragraph each), and four NPC seeds (one paragraph each). These features make it easy for DMs to incorporate the elkram into their campaigns as NPCs, whether allied to or opposing the adventuring party.
The elkram stand out enough from existing 4e races to enrich any campaign, though some DMs may prefer to exclude them due to biome considerations. The wonderful illustrations evoke Hollywood thoughts of native Americans, and real-world elk live chiefly in northwestern North America and northeastern Asia. DMs running campaigns in warmer environs might want to "reskin" the elkram to resemble local versions of more widely-ranging deer species. For example, I can easily incorporate the kroola (Poison Ivy's other IVe Race thus far) into my south seas campaign, but something just feels wrong about having bipedal elk walking around Australia. There are enough deer species in southeast Asia, though, that a few cosmetic tweaks bring the elkram into line with the local ruminant population.
Unfortunately, The Elkram (the PDF, not the species) suffers from a number of grammatical and typographical errors and departures from standard D&D 4e style, as well as a content blunder or two. I won't bore you with all the details, but I will say that only a few of these can be attributed to simple typing errors. I will point out one mechanical inconsistency: page 7 tells us that "Elkram all have Ethereal Jaunt," though this power was omitted (whether accidentally or not, I can't say) from the elkram guardian's stat block. (Oh, and power names should be set in italics and lower case—“ethereal jaunt,” not “Ethereal Jaunt”—except in the title of the power description itself. Poison Ivy gets this right in the paragraph on elkram guardian tactics, but not in the paragraph that precedes the elkram guardian stat block. This kind of inconsistency speaks of sloppy editing.)
I also have one complaint about the encounter groups presented on page 11: they consist only of elkram. How do elkram relate to the creatures with whom they share their precious natural world? Are elkram on good terms with fey creatures, for example? Might you find elkram using wolves as pets and companions? And I find this question burning through my mind: how do elkram get along with minotaurs?
In the end, I like the elkram very much, and I can recommend the product with only minor hestitations about the grammatical and stylistic problems. Now I just have to figure out where they belong in my campaign world.