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Free20: Troublemaker $0.00
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Free20: Troublemaker
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Free20: Troublemaker
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Chris B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/11/2015 13:55:17

So outside of a couple of *bad examples (assuming you know or even care about comics) which are a tiny little niggle that quite frankly doesn't matter on the whole, this is an excellent product even outside of it's intended usage of the creator's settings. It's designed for D20 Modern, but it can be adapted to other versions and quite frankly, I'm going to be using it as an idea mine for another game system all together. And it's a steal at a sale price of FREE. If you want some ideas for superhero style sidekicks, this is a great little PDF.

The only reason I'm taking a mark off is that it's tied (mechanically) to D20 Modern, which frankly, was a bad system for what it wanted to do.

*(The only issue is that he uses Kitty Pryde (X-Men's Shadowcat) and Jubilation Lee (X-Men's Jubilee) and claims that they were 'petite'. Kitty Pryde started off at 13 at about 5' 2" and ended up being 5' 6" as an adult, she was never petite. And Jubilee ended up at 5' 5" which is average for an American woman, and tall for her Asian background. Not to mention that she got turned into a Vampire that magically gave her the chest she always wanted. But again, as a Comic Nerd, little things like that bother me, but not enough to remove marks, simply because I know what the author was trying to go for.)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Free20: Troublemaker
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Dustin W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2010 13:48:56

Though meant primarily for the Otherverse America setting, this template is actually pretty adaptable to any d20 Modern or d20 Fantasy setting, and that includes any game using the Pathfinder RPG system. Heck, I've been using this template in my own d20 Modern campaign as a race in and of itself, and there are plenty of times when its unique characteristics (e.g., Quick Reflexes, Combat Crush, and Totally Fearless...Kinda) come in handy. Even the drawbacks gave the Troublemaker template a very distinctive flavor that makes it stand out personality wise from a lot of other races. All in all, I'm impressed with this work and would definitely recommend it to future purchasers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Free20: Troublemaker
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Randy O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2009 13:17:46

Fun information to add to any D20 Modern campaign.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Free20: Troublemaker
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Nathan O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2009 00:50:16

it free and that great so get it yaeh lol bot :] cat

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Free20: Troublemaker
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2009 21:00:14

I just downloaded this product and read through it. I feel they have captured the feel they were going for and I might add a NPC with this template to my game at some point. For a free download it's hard to go too wrong and while this isn't for everyone, it feels pretty good.

I'm quite satisfied with this download. Especially as I reflect on using tropes from TV and comics to make the game world more interesting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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