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CT-G Duneraiders $6.00
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CT-G Duneraiders
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CT-G Duneraiders
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/12/2009 19:43:09

A job as security on a hard-pressed mineral outfit's orecrawler presents the party with a chance to end up at least moderately heroic - or to be double-dealing finks, if they prefer - as they deal with the much-feared Duneraider tribes of the deep desert. Echoes here of any number of famous desert worlds and their nomadic denizens.

A nicely constructed world and set of NPCs (within the limits of what they're required to do) in an adventure that doesn't require the PCs to save the galaxy for once.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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