Admittedly, this is a book which shows its greatest value for players and/or storytellers who are very heavily into the Mekhet as a clan - but even to step back from the Mekhet enthusiast, the sheer volume of potential ideas that lurks within this expansion demands some appreciation. Much of the book is structured in the first person - with the layout, formatting and language all conspiring to give you the feeling that you are carefully working your way through primary sources. It is a delightful volume to page through, and the information - some foregrounded, some implied and some almost hidden on a first pass - lends significant depth to the clan and to the larger spectrum of vampirism in the World of Darkness as well. The book concludes with some straight mechanical additions (shadow cults, bloodlines and the like) which offer some helpful and immediate expansions to the standard rules. A very strong entry from a very strong line.