The fifth in the line of "City Streets" supplements, this follows the same format as its predecessors, including the duplication of the first four pages, explaining the method used to describe characters and locations. This is over a third of the content, and rather unnecessary, bearing in mind that you can get it free with "Gior's Glassworks". Failing that, it could at least be at the rear of the book as an appendix rather than appearing before the main content.
The remaining six pages make up for that, although not quite as well as in the second and third volumes. The sketch map floor-plans are good for their purpose, although, for some reason, they all appear twice. The location itself is a slum tavern used by the Thieves' Guild to make deals and by the scum of the city because there isn't anywhere cheaper. It's well described, coming across as a truly horrible place. Indeed, the fact that the depravity here sinks to child prostitution might be a little much for some groups.
Having said that, while it's a great as a ghastly hangout that even rogues would want to avoid if they had any alternative (which they may not, it being a Guild meeting place), it lacks the spark of originality in "The Lord's Kennels" and "The Black Ape". It's a good location, and a useful addition to any city that has a suitably large slum area and active criminal gangs, and it does include some good plot hooks, but this series has done even better.