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The Lord's Kennel $1.99
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The Lord\'s Kennel
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The Lord's Kennel
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by JK R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/27/2013 10:21:19

The first booklet in the "City Streets" line after the free taster "Gior's Glassworks", this manages to improve on that initial effort. There are seven pages of content here, plus four pages explaining the generic system used to describe characters and locations in the series. These four pages are duplicates of those in "Gior's Glassworks", and, again, most of the information in them isn't really used elsewhere in the book (and is, by and large, fairly obvious anyway).

That aside, the rest of the booklet is of high quality. The artwork is greatly improved over that in the free taster, and the floor-plan of the building is also well drawn. The location itself is simply a dog's kennel used by the local nobility, and from which it is possible for PCs to buy dogs of their own. That might not seem very interesting, but it's woven in with a plot about the building's former purpose as a gaol that provides immediate fodder for a short scenario or two. Whereas "Gior's Glassworks" was a well described location that happened to have some plot hooks bolted onto it, here, the potential scenario is worked directly into the concept. And it is quite a good one, although it might need some tweaking depending on the nature and history of the city you wish to place it in.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Lord's Kennel
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/22/2009 16:05:14

This is far more interesting than I initially thought it would be. I thought, "A dog kennel? How can that be interesting?" Well you find out! For one, it is a "Lords" kennel, so can be used as a vehicle to get PC's involved with the local nobility. They also have several other interesting hooks that can lead into fighting bandits and the like, as well as several other things I do not want to give spoilers for. So bottom line, this was not the boring dog kennel I feared it was going to be, it gave me at least 5 adventure hooks I think we would have a lot of fun playing out, with the potential of generating many more through play. So this product continues to be as enjoyable as the rest of the line, despite having such a boring face to it. Not to mention be a source of some interesting dogs for Rangers, Druids, and any other PC interested in having trained hunting/war dogs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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