Everything related to Harn is of the highest quality and always is. Having said that I think that this product is not value for money; it's expensive for pdfs and the magic and religion articles are too light on information for me. Religion does not seem very well fleshed out, while the magic system has a great fundamental base but few spells - they expect you to make your own (you can find huge spell complilations on the web for free though).
Remember that when you are buying this you are only buying the system and not the setting. Either use these rules in another medieval setting or fork out loads more cash for other modules. You really get the feeling that you don't quite have enough to play a game without additional material because of the references to languages, kingdoms, etc. during character generation.
The harnmaster rules are detailed and well refined (after 3 or so revisions). You'll also find houserules and a strong community that will further enhance your game.