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The Black Ape
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The Black Ape
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by JK R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/27/2013 09:51:39

This follows the standard format of the "City Streets" line, with four pages describing the generic system used to describe characters and locations in the remaining five. The layout is nice and clear, and the artwork is top quality. The floor plan of the location is also very nicely done, a good piece of hand-drawn mapping.

The building in this case is an inn on the docks, frequented by pirates and rowdy sailors. It is raised above the merely average by two key elements. Firstly, the Polynesian theme of the tavern is likely to be memorable in itself, and is described atmospherically. This alone makes it more than just another dockside tavern. And then there's the plot background, explaining how the inn came to be, which provides plenty of opportunity for a short scenario or two - a couple of specific story hooks are provided, if needed.

On the whole, an excellent booklet that describes a rare thing in urban supplements - a unique and memorable inn. It should slot neatly into any seaside fantasy city.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Black Ape
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/22/2009 16:16:59

You approach a tavern sign, with the painting of the head of a black ape on it. Your probably thinking, "Well, here is another tavern like the hundreds of others." Then you enter. Its not a tavern like the hundreds of others. In fact, you may feel like you have been transported to another part of the world, or maybe another world entirely. You could stay, and keep coming back, to enjoy the truly exotic foods and drinks available here, and other possible pleasures. Or you could get nosy and find out things you may regret finding out, or maybe lead to an exotic adventure of a lifetime! As usual for the products of this line, you get another "unique" location with unusual NPC's leading to several unexpected possibilities, friendships, and enemies. The only thing I would wish for is a developed menu of exotic foods to fit this place. Many are suggested, but a formal menu that I could print out with a "Todays Prices" column for me to fill in after printing it out would be a nice bonus. Plus a section in which I can add "Todays Specials" so I can add other exotic elements unique to my campaign, like my Halfling Stew or Kobold Pie. Definitely a Tavern with a surprise flavor to it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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