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3-D Counters Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by joshua s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/11/2009 19:30:45

I have been eying these for awhile and finally splurged on them. While the mini's are nicely done and have wonderful classic style art I am disappointed that the pdf's are 10 pages but only have 2-3 pages of miniatures. The rest of the pages count is taken up by large advertisements. This would be a better deal if all the mini's were collected in a single document.

Though I do like the mini's I feel I bought advertisements rather than mini's.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
3-D Counters Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]
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Creator Reply:
If you bought the bundle and at the 30% sale, then you received 120 full color counter for $5. That’s a cost of about 4 cents for each counter; sorry we can’t offer much more of a deal then that. As to the back end blurbs, it is consistent with each of our products; we offer a few ads at the end of each product to promote games and other gaming materials we think you might be interested in.
Original Edition Options - The Halfling Adventurer
Publisher: Brave Halfling Publishing
by joshua s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2009 13:17:18

A great resource for Original D&D or Swords and Wizardry. The class fits into the game well and mimics the archtype of Bilbo, Frodo or other Halflings we have come to love. The class is written to very easily fit with any classic game system. This is a great introduction to the work of Brave Halfling.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Original Edition Options - The Halfling Adventurer
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