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Publisher: Fire Ruby Designs
by Kenneth A. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/11/2009 02:24:47

This setting (and game system) looks to be very promising. I have yet to read through all of it, but thats no reason not to write a small review of what I've seen/read thus far.

What captivated me about this setting was the mysteries and the connection to nature. It reminded me very much of the books of Robert Holdstock, where a huge forest places an important role as well. There is something strange here that I hope to one day explore!

The cover art is amazing!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Fire Ruby Designs
by Elzbeth M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2009 10:07:14

This book is a quick read, as RPGs go, and the mechanics are pretty simple and designed mostly to get out of your way while you play. It is a post-apocalyptic, character-driven game filled with angst and emotion, and if you like that sort of thing, by all means check it out.

The premise is both intriguing and deceptively simple: a primeval forest has overtaken the world overnight, destroying civilization in one fell swoop. Why and how? That's up to the narrator to decide--or to leave as a mystery.

It's an evocative, open-ended setting with unlimited possibilities and designed with an eye to letting the players and narrator create a very personal, collaborative story.

Personally, it's just the thing I was looking for. I can't wait to play it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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