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Supplement 4: Central Supply Catalogue
Publisher: Mongoose
by Daniel H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2011 17:09:15

In short, this book is the perfect companion to the main Traveller rule book for gaming groups looking for more options in their equipment list.

In fact, the first few dozen pages (an overview of technology levels, their impact on society, and the difficulties players will have working too far outside of their usual areas of expertise) is so relevant that it should have been in the main rule book. That also goes for the updated security and hacking rules, and the advanced equipment prototyping (and reverse-engineering) rules. Good stuff.

The rest of the book comprises the "supply catalog", and the preview's table of contents lets you know what you're getting in to. There aren't any real surprises here, except that the CSC goes well beyond the Classic Traveller setting, including things like "arcswords", "stun fists" and "psy-boost daggers", as well as a number of TL 17+ items such as disintegrator pistols that are well above Third Imperium tech levels.

In other words, not everything in this book is appropriate for the Third Imperium setting, due either to tech level or theme, so a Referee will need to provide some guidance on what is available in his games.

I've seen some complaints that this book is mostly "weapon porn", and I can't really dispute that. Just under 2/3 of the book is weapons and armor, though considering that the CSC covers the topic of weaponry and armor in detail from stone age to super-tech, that doesn't seem too unreasonable.

The artwork varies from classic "pencil and paper" outline artwork to a handful of amusing "magazine ad" looking pull-outs. Some of Mongoose's other books suffer from highly variable art quality, and while CSC is a bit schizophrenic in its split between classic style line art and sometimes video game or Anime-stylings (especially in the Battledress part - the Knight Sabers would not look too out of place in those suits [not a bad thing, IMHO]) but overall I found the artwork to be good. My only complaint is that it's not always easy to tell which weapon each piece of art matches up to.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Supplement 4: Central Supply Catalogue
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A Fistful of TOWs 3 - Free Preview
Publisher: A Fistful of Games
by Daniel H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2011 15:53:17

Impressive preview! This preview does a very good job of explaining what you get for your money in the full product without giving away too many details. I would have liked to see a brief discussion of exactly how the FFT3 rules differ from previous FFT rules (from the preview, the FFT3 rules seem evolutionary rather than revolutionary), though the expansion from "1950-2010" in FFT2 to "1915-2015" in FFT3 is worth the version "level up" on its own, and the full campaign/scenario generator and rules for rating equipment sound intriguing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Fistful of TOWs 3 - Free Preview
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CT-F Legend of the Sky Raiders
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Daniel H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2009 11:01:51

This a fantastic, old-school Traveller adventure. The players can either provide their own characters or choose from a set of pre-generated characters, as was typical of Traveller adventures back in the "little black book" days that this adventure was written in.

The action takes place entirely on one planet, and in fact assumes that players have no starship and very little money. The adventure includes a few handout sections and illustrations, as well as some hints to the GM for running the adventure. There are also the requisite wilderness encounter tables and rules for movement rate through the planet's hex-mapped terrain. The RPGNow version includes two 11x17 maps that you can print out, in addition to the smaller maps in the main PDF.

The adventure itself is essentially a "Darkest Africa" type exploration, complete with locally hired porters, savage natives, and rival adventurers who always seem to escape in the end. As the dedication says, Indiana Jones would feel right at home here. I am looking forward to running this adventure for a few friends. I will be picking up the other two modules in the series in the very near future.

Possible Negatives: Fans of more free form sand-box style adventures may be put off by the strong narrative of "Legend", and the suggestions that the GM use the primary NPC to keep the players on track. This booklet is not a setting to play around in, it is a plot-driven adventure. I personally do not find this to be a negative, having grown up in the "little black book" era of Traveller, but newer players may object to the occasional railroading.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F Legend of the Sky Raiders
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