I've yet to find a Future Armada product that isn't useful for my gaming - or just for entertainment.
This set gives you a science fiction variant of the container ship. The baseline model is huge - much like real-life container ships. You also get a stripped down variant of the container ship which is quite suitable for a small PC group. There is also the Sherpa class which is designed to carry a single container.
The technology/style makes this very suitable for a wide variety of science fiction universes - I can think of easy ways it could fit into Traveller, Serenity/Firefly, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, etc. The various containers, each of which can be entered in flight, make for a high degree of adaptability - want a Q ship? Easily done. A bunch of PCs who want to be privateers? No problem. I can easily see customizing this for hangars, weapon batteries, etc. And it makes fine prey for a bunch of pirates as well.
The plans themselves are of first-rate quality with both miniature scale and a scale more suited for seeing whole decks at once. The b&w variant is nice for those of us with inkjet printers and don't want to bust the bank account printing this out.