Excellent map tiles. Published gives you image files as well as PDFs so you can easily build maps in programs like Publisher.
These tiles were perfect for what I needed. They're geomorphic, so you can piece them together however you like. They're simple, and because the published gives you everything in image files, you can easily customize maps to your heart's content.
I bought this and immediately used it to make three battle maps for an upcoming game.
Fantastic product.
Creator Reply: |
I'm glad you like them! I'll be releasing a modular dungeon set soon, so I hope you are able to take a look at it as well! along with a spattering of map based encounters. |
I've come to expect high quality products from Pinnacle, and Last Sons is no exception. It has pretty much everything you will need in it to run a full campaign with some personal touches thrown in. It is a perfect encapsulation of why their Deadlands line is excellent. This campaign sourcebook is the second plot point campaign, and it improves in every way from their first one (The Flood). Excellent, excellent work!
This was quite useful in a superhero game where I needed a military base for a game session. My only issue was with the map - it's hard to read and hard to figure out where things are. Once you can decode the map (and it's a chore at times), the map is highly useful and the information presented in the book was very handy for the game session.
An excellent supplement. It makes combat a bit more crunchy at times, but it gives a lot of specialization options and makes martial arts and melee-centric characters much more fun!
I have found that most stock art packs that are available are hit and miss, especially when you some looking for something usable in a superhero or fantasy setting.
Luckily, Storn Cook and LPJ Design are releasing these Image Portfolios that are stupendous.
In #6, the images are mainly designed for a fantasy setting, but the full color images are usable in a wide variety of products and games. Cook delivers some more of his top notch illustrations in this one.
We reviewed this product back in Gamer's Haven Episode 40 – Gender Roles in Gaming (aka the obligitory Women in Gaming Episode), which you can listen to here ... http://www.gamershavenpodcast.com/?p=254!
We reviewed this product back in Gamer's Haven Episode 40 – Gender Roles in Gaming (aka the obligitory Women in Gaming Episode), which you can listen to here ... http://www.gamershavenpodcast.com/?p=254!
We reviewed this on the Gamer's Haven Podcast. You can listen to Gamer’s Haven Episode 67 – Convention Gaming to hear what our first impressions of it! You can go here ... http://www.gamershavenpodcast.com/?p=2233.