I was extremely pleased with this entire series of supplements for CoC. In the case of Death in Luxor, it was clear, well laid out, and flexible enough to permit the Keeper to run it in any order the players care to approach it in. Of all of the ones published to date, this one felt the most like it would "railroad" the players based on the first scene out of the blocks, though a clever Keeper (with a clever play-group) should be able to overcome that issue. The player aids were extremely well done, and easy to access, print and produce. And the pre-generated characters (while not useful in and of themselves to an established player group) provide some excellent examples of how characters may have become involved in the adventure (motivations). Admittedly, if I were picking a servitor race and plot for Egypt, I probably would have picked the Sand Dwellers as my primary group with maybe ties to Yig or someone vice what was chosen here, but overall, it just has a really nice feel and flow to it and despite that particular quibble, I like this scenario very well.
An additional bonus to the AoC series of supplements is that there are ties between the adventures and even the newspaper clippings provide some additional information that could lead to other adventures. All in all, an awesome job.
As always, the quality of the reproduction by DriveThru RPG was simply awesome. No problems reading, viewing the art work, or reproducing the player handouts. Overall, this one earns a "4" mostly because of personal prejudice against the servitor race and Great Old One chosen for this setting, and because it does try to railroad the players to some extent, but if it weren't for those two factors, it would easily make a "5."