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Suzerain Scrying 9, Gas And Glass

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Suzerain Scrying 9, Gas And Glass
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Suzerain Scrying 9, Gas And Glass
Publisher: Savage Mojo
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2009 18:42:29

A new creature that could set a nasty ambush (I'd like to see how this would look for 4e). The setup described in the text seems unlikely to work with ordinarily cautious players - not because they find the clue described in the blurb, it just isn't a feasible location for several other reasons. Some good ideas for further implications out of combat, such as a new healing spell (dropping the Harry Potter-ish name) that could be helpful at low levels in a number of circumstances.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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