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Shadows of Midnight: Mary's Tower $5.99
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Shadows of Midnight: Mary\'s Tower
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Shadows of Midnight: Mary's Tower
Publisher: Alternate Realities Publications
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/18/2010 06:48:12

Shadows of Midnight has published three adventure locations, and I recommend them because of their links to The Unexplained (Carnivore Games,

"Mary's Tower" (36 pages) is totally systemless and focues on a location and its surroundings, provinding the same detailed descriptions of paranormal and non-paranormal research done along with photographs.

The text is farily easy to read (except for the introduction which is a little blurry) and the printing is quick for most of the documents (some slight delay for the heavier colors).

I recommend them.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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