The counter page looks good and with a little work, the cards should be easy to print out, but one glaring issue is that it is missing a sheet of event cards! It has a few other sheets duplicated at the end, but it is clearly missing this one sheet (by looking at how many there should be of each type)
Vanguard Station is a nice set for running a good claustrophobic space horror game. Nowhere to run and no where to hide! The options for both full color and line drawings are nice along with a "GM's map" version for easy notation. Like all in this series, a real gem!
This is a classic! I always felt this was one of the best primers on the theory and practice of time travel available for any game.
It is fairly light on rules crunch (about 20 pages in the middle of a 90+ page book) and although there is a lot of discussion of time travel as it relates to the Timemaster continuity (Time Corps in the 75th century, Demorean alien bad guys), it is easy to retool as necessary. There are extensive examples of multiple timehopping and reasons/consequences for doing so, including "checking your work" and potential paradoxes. The section on Demorean tactics is useful in creating tricky time situations, and it also provides a rationale for why it doesn't devolve into a single endless cycle of "find break, fix, repeat" on the same event ad infinitum. In addition to using this for Timemaster, if you plan on running other time travel games like temporal probability Agency or Doctor Who, there is plenty here to make it worthwhile.
This a fun adventure with an interesting game mechanic (using cards) for tracking foes through a maze; it's almost a latter-day randomized Death Test (which coming from me is a high compliment).
The prime improvement I would make is to allow the option of turning the background on and off, not just for printing, but also for general readability.
This floorplan is a workhorse. I've used it for modern games, Victorian era games and even basic fantasy. The ability to display the maps with or without grids and interior details is a big plus, along with the full size version for those of us with (or have friends with) large plotters! Great stuff! Near the top when it comes to cost/benefit ratio.
Thanks guys!
I forgot just how much I liked this game until recently. V&V is certainly a nice break from point-based character generation. Random power generation and open interpretation of such powers means that GMs may need to be a bit creative in keeping everyone involved, but hey, when you're emulating a genre that has Thor and Tigra fighting side by side, that's just a fact of life. The game plays very fast and the Power (essentially fatigue) rules do a good job of preventing rampant abuse of combat abilities.
In content it is very similar to the 1982 version, but with a completely new layout. It has a couple of new rules (swords/shields and wrestling) along with great new art from co-creator Jeff Dee (although the art should be BIGGER!)
There is an implicit 'world" associated with V&V (mostly through the characters named in the book), but it doesn't encroach on the rules, so it is easy to take it or leave it.
Everything old is new again!
Truly a "let's grab a bunch of figures and run it out" kind of game. I like the method of determining who has what equipment (essentially categorizing what the figure looks like) and the basic rules are simple and quick to learn. The advanced rules are kept separate (two big additions are "heroic" characters and sieges) and are a nice evolution after playing the basic game a few times.
Some die-hard grognards may think it too simplistic, but I think these rules would be perfect for a large scale convention game with groups of people who need to learn the rules quickly.
The only part that seemed a little clunky was determining fatal blows for heroic figures, but I think if I played it few more times, it might flow a little better.
All in all, though, a nice set of rules to play a minis game without cards or info strips.
Now I just wish I had bought a set of those figures advertised on the back of my comics so many years ago!
Nice product!
Being a hex-preferring gamer, it's nice to see a product that let's you switch between hexes and squares, even if they are 5 ft squares vs. 1m hexes (I'd like 5 ft hexes as well) .
I know most people probably have the latest Acrobat reader, but it might be nice to put the minimum version required for the layering.
Also, I think making the grids around 50% gray, as opposed to black will keep them visible, but make them stick out less.
Mind you, these are only minor quibbles (suggestions, really, as this is a new line), and I believe that all map products should adopt such a fine detailed customization approach (i.e., turning on and off such parts as grids, doors, furniture.
The one page systemless room descriptions are nice to be able to jump right in if need be, but you can ignore them as well and not feel you've spent half your money on a part you'll never use.
All in all, a great concept, and for me at least, a little tweaking would make it stellar!
They say that nothing is free, but it in this case it's true!
I picked this up initially as a set of expanded fantasy rules to apply to my own campaign, but I must admit that I got swept up in Sean's enthusiasm and will probably buy the GM's guide when it comes out as well.
The expansion of how armor works without adding extra rules is quite nice, and I liked the treatment of races and magic as well.
Personally I think this is an absolute must for any Savage Worlds fan running a fantasy campaign.
Really nice cost-value ratio as well.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The little GM-to-GM sidebars should be required for any RPG product as far as I'm concerned!
Overall the layout was nice and the pencil drawings gave a good feeling for the setting.
Since I'm currently planning on using this for another world, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the maps, but the quality is nice and breaking it up with descriptions was a nice touch as well.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I guess I should say something I didn't like. Hmm. Maybe starting new pages with major topics like Gear, as opposed to having them start at the end of the previous page. That's pretty minor though.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback! We've been delighted to see that you and others have found the GM-to-GM sections as helpful as we wanted them to be.
We'll take a look at trying a few more layout options with the various subsections. It's always a trade off, but you never know which way might work a little better.
While it's taking longer than we hoped to bring the full setting to production, rest assured that part of the reason is our desire to continue to give you the most bang for your buck we can manage.
Thank you again for letting us know what you think! |
I bought this as part of a bundle with Inanna's kiss.
I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I was quite satisfied with the quality of the writing and the layout. I think this could be a nice springboard to a modern military campaign, especially with the incredible amount of attention to detail with the maps and their description.
I think the maps and building descriptions could easily be stripped out and re-released as a general military base product with just a little bit of work for those who wanted a more general product.
I will say that the version I downloaded didn't have the extra maps, but still included the links to them in the documents bookmarks section. The extra maps are available for download from the 12 to Midnight site, and well worth the size.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The maps are amazing and I liked the photos that give it that realistic flair.
Breaking out the direct reading parts is nice as well.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Nothing I could find that jumped out at me.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
I bought this as part of a bundle with Weekend Warriors.
I appreciate that the author stated up front both the inspirations and expectations for this adventure. It framed the GM reading of it well.
The author clearly states that it was originally a convention adventure, so it was not developed with any character continuity in mind. I definitely plan on reading this one thoroughly and having it ready "in my back pocket" in case a regular adventure falls through for a day.
It comes with pre-genned characters which the author highly recommends get used for this adventure, as there are some game specifics relating the character's rank.
I think it would take longer than the 4 hours stated, but that be more of a reflection of my gaming group than the adventure itself.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The photos and the blocked-out descriptions of what to read. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: It could have included some pictures of the Bradley and Hum-vee for those who aren't familiar (There's plenty of room on that page)<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
You cannot go wrong with this product. Definitely a key set of documents in the history of gaming (in their orginal forms), these are also great fun to boot!
I believe the "proper" progression is to get the Temple of Elemental Evil set (T1-T4) first, which would bring characters from 1st level to a level capable of tackling the Drow goddess, but I never did it that way and don't feel that it detracts to not have done so. I actually plan on running this with another game system my second time through (15 years later) and this layout is well suited to do that.
I mean, really, how often do you get essentially seven modules (proper term here) for such a good price? <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Bringing G1-G3, D1-D3, and Q1 all together for such a great value. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Would have liked a color map of the demonweb, but it might not have been available in this compilation.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>