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Epic Cartography: Paths of Darkness Map Pack #2
Publisher: The Red Epic
by Tristan Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/11/2013 14:01:56

This is a high-quality, solid product. The art is wonderfully understated, giving a fantastical feel to the maps without beating you over the head with it. There are no surprises here – if you like the previews, you'll like the maps. My only complaint is that they're a little small; I use a virtual tabletop, and I usually like my maps a little more expansive.

4/5. Would definitely buy again.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Epic Cartography: Paths of Darkness Map Pack #2
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Castles & Crusades Fields of Battle
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Tristan Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2012 19:37:06

Fields of Battle is an excellent rules set for mass combat. It's rules-light without sacrificing complexity or interest, just like you would expect from a Troll Lord Games product. It's based on the Castles & Crusades rules set. It's very scalable, letting you fight battles with dozens of combatants just as easily as with thousands. In my experience, combat with fields of battle is very fun, and manages to be fast without feeling like you're giving up tactical thinking. It includes quick, compelling rules for pitched battle, skirmishes, siege warfare, aerial warfare, and naval warfare. It includes cool and reasonable rules that keep your PCs in the fight without making them useless or overpowered. It also comes with three battle scenarios and a 'monster manual' of troop type stats. I'd definitely recommend purchasing this.

However, there are two flaws that keep this product from five stars. The first is that you have to be familiar with Castles & Crusades to use it. Now, don't worry – C&C is very quick to learn, and almost all the rules you'll need are in the FREE quick start guide. However, there are some important rules that are not present in the quickstart guide. What's the range category on a longbow? How long does a druid's Entangle spell last? These things aren't in the quickstart guide. You can pretty easily handwave this stuff, but its absence is obnoxious, and frankly, you shouldn't even have to delve into a second pdf to look up these answers.

The second flaw is the absence of any system to determine how fair a battle will be. This is all well and good if you want to re-enact the battle of Crécy (totally doable with this rules set), but from my perspective, this is a gross oversight. I'm a GM, and I use this system as part of my ongoing campaign. When my PCs march to war, I want to be able to throw a battle at them that will be challenging enough to make them feel heroic, and maybe even kill them if they make poor decisions, but ultimately be winnable if they act smart. Fields of Battle lacks any sort of system to help me plan that. If you want to use this at your table, you'd better have a friend who will enjoy playing a few rounds of Fields of Battle with you so you can develop a feel for difficulty levels before you break it out for your regular group.

All in all, an excellent product, and one I definitely recommend purchasing. Only a few faults keep it from being truly stellar.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Castles & Crusades Fields of Battle
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The Play's the Thing
Publisher: Pantheon Press
by Tristan Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2011 16:10:52

This module is a great deal of fun, and is easily adapted for other systems. It features intrigue, action, and lots of opportunity for roleplay. The NPCs are colorful and entertaining, and the backdrop of a theater rehearsing for a play offers plenty of opportunities for all sorts of adventure. It's about one and a half sessions long (though it can easily be made longer or shorter).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Play's the Thing
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Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #09: Death in the Jungle
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Tristan Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2011 12:31:30

This adventure contains three encounters. The first and third are fun, but kind of mundane, combat encounters. The second, though – that's worth the full price of admission in and of itself! I won't tell you what the second one is (its title alone would give you enough information to reverse engineer it, and that wouldn't be fair to the publisher). Suffice to say, though, that it includes certain combat elements, a lot of skill check elements, and plenty of rollicking, over-the-top adventure. I only used the second encounter, but my players and I all loved it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #09: Death in the Jungle
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Adventure Havens: Lords of the Manor
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Tristan Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2011 12:25:33

A solid product, worth the $5 I paid for it.

The included sites include a variety of traditional castles and highly non-traditional castles. The included NPCs (the titular Lords of the Manor) are by and large interesting and fun, and should certainly keep your players' attention. Most are of sufficient depth and quality to be well-liked (or thoroughly hated) recurring NPCs. The art is in a sketchy, impressionist style that goes well with the style of the writing - enough detail to keep your players excited, but not so much to stifle you.

If you're looking for a few castles, keeps, and manor houses to drop into your game, I would recommend this product to you.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure Havens:  Lords of the Manor
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