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Adventure Havens: Lords of the Manor $2.99 $0.99
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Adventure Havens:  Lords of the Manor
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Adventure Havens: Lords of the Manor
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Singh K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2015 17:45:14

From the document: "Adventure Havens: Lords of the Manor presents twelve fully realized fantasy castles, keeps, and manors for use in 3.5 style games. Each castle listing includes a detailed history of the castle, important NPCs, and story seeds that can provide players with plenty of side quests."

Which part of "fully realized" did the author think doesn't include a map of the castle, keep, or manor? No map. Just storytelling, NPCs, and description. This is, at best, an incomplete product.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I regret that you did not enjoy the product. I would like to point out the the Adventure Havens series has never been about maps, nor has it ever been marketed as such. We have always marketed the series based on the NPCs and story ideas as a way to help GMs flesh out their worlds on the fly. They are GM tools to save work having to flesh out every single NPC and location history in a game for those times when the players go off the main story. That is why we list these products under Supplements>NPCs and not Maps. I regret the confusion. If you came across this product under a search for maps, please let me know so that I can address that with the folks at Drivethru. We never categorized it that way.
Adventure Havens: Lords of the Manor
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Tristan Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2011 12:25:33

A solid product, worth the $5 I paid for it.

The included sites include a variety of traditional castles and highly non-traditional castles. The included NPCs (the titular Lords of the Manor) are by and large interesting and fun, and should certainly keep your players' attention. Most are of sufficient depth and quality to be well-liked (or thoroughly hated) recurring NPCs. The art is in a sketchy, impressionist style that goes well with the style of the writing - enough detail to keep your players excited, but not so much to stifle you.

If you're looking for a few castles, keeps, and manor houses to drop into your game, I would recommend this product to you.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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