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Hard Boiled -City Tiles 1

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Hard Boiled -City Tiles 1
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Hard Boiled -City Tiles 1
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/22/2012 23:43:46

These terrain tiles are well-conceived in terms of placing elements on the page, but several tiles exhibit a significant variety in art styles, reminding me of tiles composed in Dundjinni using elements from a variety of artists. Take section 2, for example: the hedges cast no shadow at all, the tattered easy chair casts its shadow due north, the couch/divan casts its shadow southwest, and the bathtub casts its shadow northeast—suggesting that the shadows (where they exist) came with the elements themselves rather than being created to fit the scene. The use of PDF layers to allow extra customization is a very nice feature, though, and I think the product is, overall, worth the $3.99 price tag it carries as of this writing. There are flaws, but there are also very few products that fill the same niche, so picking up this tile set and the companion City Tiles 2 is quite worthwhile if you want to use battlemaps in an urban pulp-style game.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Hard Boiled -City Tiles 1
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Jeffrey V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2010 02:48:23

This tile set by Empty Room Studios represents an Antique shop and a couple of houses, surrounded by streets and sidewalks. In addition, there is a complete basement complex that makes it look like some pretty nefarious things have been happening in the 'hood. The details are well done, with things like pillows, candy dishes, a rusted-out car, and the occasional statue of Cthulhu (at least from the look of it) scattered throughout the area. The setting is perfect for a gruesome murder (indeed, at least one has already apparently occurred), or a eldritch battle against things man was not meant to know. Empty Room uses the layering capability of Adobe to lay out the rooms and allow you to adjust or edit them as you like. Given all the extras thrown in at the end, you can easily redesign and "redecorate" the buildings as you like, ranging from the Beverly Hillbillies look all the way up to a fairly nice block of houses with an upscale shop. This one is a good one, with lots of flexibility.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hard Boiled -City Tiles 1
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Robert C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/14/2009 09:40:47

Finally some great tiles to use with my Call of Cthulhu games! This should work well enough in '20s and modern settings as well. I also just purchased and printed off the HMS Shearwater in this line and will soon be mounting that onto foamcore.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hard Boiled -City Tiles 1
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/04/2009 14:03:49

Herein are a selection of floorplan tiles that - if you use the suggested layout - give a city block of two houses and a store, with the surrounding streets. Roof tiles are also provided, so that you can reveal the interiors as appropriate - a neat touch. Naturally it is possible to arrange the tiles in different configurations to suit your needs.

The standard of artwork is high, and the 'layers' facility of Adobe Acrobat is used in a sophisticated manner to enable you to show or remove furniture and other items, change the apparent use of a room or even to make it appear derelict. The array of extra items presented on separate sheets means that you can add other artefacts if required.

If you like using miniatures (or cardstock figures), or just like to be able to show the players what their characters can see, this is an excellent visual aid. While both fantasy and to a lesser extent modern/future settings are well-served, it is good to see early 20th-century fixtures and fittings for the many games set in the first part of the last century.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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