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Witches and Bats
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Witches and Bats
Publisher: Mayhem in Paper
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/04/2022 11:38:47

Originally posted here:

Halloween is a couple of months, but you are going to need to be ready and here is something to help with that.

Witches and Bats

These papercraft minis to print and cut out. You get 6 wicked witches, 4 giant bats and 1 small bat swarm. There is a preview on the DriveThruRPG page.

I do not own a Silhouette/Craftrobo cutter, I just printed them out on a laser printer and made little stands for them. I use them as part of a village of witches. My kids have learned that "paper minis" are NPCs that don't interact much while "plastic minis" are main NPCs. So of course they want to talk to all the paper minis! At least these ones are interesting.

Do I use these with my War of the Witch Queens? Absolutely. I need a lot of witches to populate the Tredicim (the gathering of Witches) and these are great to fill out the ranks.

I mix them with Ghostly Spirits, Demons, Devils and Imps, Scarecrows and Jack-O-Lanterns (a favorite), Evil Cultists, and Gothic Statues for a full-on Halloween Village feel.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Witches and Bats
Publisher: Mayhem in Paper
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/18/2017 11:34:02

Awesome set of paper minis! The witches and bats would work very well in a Ravenloft/Curse of Strahd adventure or campaign. The witches would also work well as hags in any fantasy rpg. I haven't used the witches yet in my own 5E campaign, but have used the bat swarm and giant bats in a Halloween adventure. You can see pictures and read the write-up of the adventure here:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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