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Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition (3rd Printing)
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2010 11:45:34

I just love this ruleset and its versitility. I also like the way that all the stats are important and that if you ignore something you will definitely have a weakness. The players are heroic in this game as the wild die always gives them a better chance at succeeding than a "normal".

The exploding die also leaves a lot of uncertainity and excitement as you almost always can have incredible success. It also means that the PC's must be cautious as the NPC can also explode a die and succeed. This makes everyone vulnerable. This leads to more role playing.

The add on genre books take this basic set and expand it into what you are interested in. For me this is great as I like a wide range of games and the same system works for almost all the heroic character type RPGs.

Another big advantage is the ease of running a session. After getting the rules down I can almost run cold with a bare minimum of preparation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition (3rd Printing)
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Dundjinni (PC download version)
Publisher: Dundjinni
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/03/2010 07:26:23

Love this program. Its got a bit of a learning curve, but once you get past it it really has a lot of great use. I'm a novice when it comes to art, but this really works well.

So far I've created the following things....

Floor plans for a number of early dungeons for D&D 4th (before I gave up on 4th edition...though they now work great with other systems like Savage Worlds) Blood Bowl fields Elfball fields Dungeon Bowl tiles for Blood Bowl and Elfball (these are 12" squares and interchangeable) Starship floor plans Open field battlemaps

I recomend this a lot, but be ready to take a bit of time learning the system.

Additional Resources: Pro: They have a ton of online resources and images you can download and use, Check out there website Con: but you need to develop a system of filing them that you can rember in the file system they provide. I've downloaded so much great artwork that I can't keep track of where I've placed it all

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dundjinni (PC download version)
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Age of Fighting Sail: Heart of Oak
Publisher: Fantasy Games Unlimited
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/11/2009 11:41:42

This is an excellebnt set of rules. Its one of the best for single ship combat or when each player controls a single ship (two max). You will not be able to run Trafalgar or other major battles without a lot of players, but small actions are a joy. The rules were written with an eye towars real sailing tactics and the sailing model is very realistic. Combat is good too, but the highlights of this game is the sailing. This is not a "beer and pretzle" game, but is a good simulation.

Liked: Love the rules and really enjoy this as a game.

Dislikes: The scans just were not up to par. i was a little disapponted in the qulity of these scans

SUMMARY: Its a must have for Napoleonic era sailing ships. Only the quality of the scans earn the loss of a star, the game itself is a five star game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Age of Fighting Sail: Heart of Oak
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Master Tiles No.1 - Vampire Den
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2008 08:10:33

This is a great series of tiles...the "Master Tiles" series, but this is the weakest of the original three. Now don't get me wrong, its well laid out and looks great, but it lacks some of the usefulness of "Perilous Passages" and "Infinite Chambers". However, I veiw the two other titles as the "basic pack" and this as the first "Themed add-on". In that light it is rather useful and has quite a bit of flexibility. I'm looking forward to other "basic" style sets and more of these "Themed" ones too.

Likes: Good looking art and excellent use of layering to allow different types of tiles to be created from the original five.

Dislikes: Not as flexible as I would have likes, but still much more flexible to most other sets.

Satisdfaction: I feel this is a very good purchase and is money well spent.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Master Tiles No.1 - Vampire Den
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Master Tiles No.0 - Infinite Chamber
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2008 08:01:32

Surprisingly complete for a free introduction. This new series "Master Tiles" by Skeletonkey Games is pretty slick. I love their regular tiles, but the endless variety that the layering gives you is pretty incredible.

Combined with the "Preilous Passages" and "Vampires Den" and you have an excellent starter set for under ten dollars. Each set looks like it has too few tiles for the price until you start playing with them. Using the Layers and Mirror Image printing you can pretty much make most dungeons that you want.

Like: Artwork and Clarity. The great flexibility of the set.

Dislike: The tables could have a little more variety, though I suspect the limitting factor is the number of layers available.

Satisfaction: Very High

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Master Tiles No.0 - Infinite Chamber
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Master Tiles No.2 - Perilous Passages
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2008 07:52:58

This selection originally looks a little thin for the $4.99 price, but it actually is a great value once you start tinkering with it. The multiple layers on the PDF allows the basic tiles to be created and modified in numberous ways. I recently picked up all three of the original oferings from this series and am very glad I did. In the past I've accumulated a number of the regular tiles which I enjoy, but for some reason I decided to try this set out.

I initially downloaded the sampler and played with it to get a feel. After a few minutes of playing with it I went back and got theother two sets. This set has your standard corriders, 10ft across with right angles, t intersection, crossroads, straight, and a corner room conecction. This is only five tiles, but since each can be printed in an endless variety using the layers and mirror image printing, it is more valuable than 3-4 regular sets from skeletal key. I have a feeling that as newer versions come out, they will have a lot more varriety and options. This is a series to keep your eye on.

Liked: The variety of possibilites and use of layering to make great tiles. This meshes with the Innfinite-Chamber very well as well as the Vampires Den set.

Disliked: Not much, it could have used a tile with a single room enterance, but I assume that will come in add on packs.

Satisfaction: Very high, I almost wish I was running D&D or another dungeon crawl again. But I'll find a similar use for Savage Worlds.

Respectfully, Skipper

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Master Tiles No.2 - Perilous Passages
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Desert Village
Publisher: papermodels
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2008 08:53:08

Let me start by saying these are very well designed in both structural integrity and looks. Initially the types of buildings looks limited until you realize the add ons (awnings, tables, carts, crates, etc,) really give each building the ability to look completely different. Not to mention that the buildings can be stacked and come with varriable roofs (two usually- one solid and one with a trap door). These buildings come in two flavors (SW Pueblo) and North africa/Middle east village in different files. This is really useful as I am also running a number of adventures in set in the current Iraq war using Savage Worlds.

I bought these to go with my White Wash buildings. I wanted to do a more southwestern feel to my Savage Worlds Wild West game. They turned out to be a little larger scaed than Whitewash, but very useable. So far I have built all the building types except those with the stairs. They look a little daunting, however, they are my next ones to tackle.

The buildings are sturdy so miniatures can be placed on top, The roof removes so tthey can also be placed inside. The raised parapet around the roof is detailed on the inside and is a really cool factor. They are sturdy enough to stand up to our gaming which is really a big factor.

You really can't go wrong with these as the are extremely useful and so far easily built.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Desert Village
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Roman Rural Village Set 1
Publisher: Hotz Stuff
by Skipper S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2008 08:41:07

Two thumbs up. This is a really well thought out set of buildings. I bought them and a number of Eric's other Roman sea sets. While I've only built a few so far, I will say they give or ancient battles a great look. especially with massed 6mm armies fighting through the streets and surrounding countryside.

With a good pair of scissors or sharp xacto blade and some glue you will soon be on your way to filling out you battlefield with much more depth.

Highly recomended........but this is designed for 6mm or 1/285th scale, so don't buy to use for larger figures, it won't scale very well.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Roman Rural Village Set 1
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