This selection originally looks a little thin for the $4.99 price, but it actually is a great value once you start tinkering with it. The multiple layers on the PDF allows the basic tiles to be created and modified in numberous ways. I recently picked up all three of the original oferings from this series and am very glad I did. In the past I've accumulated a number of the regular tiles which I enjoy, but for some reason I decided to try this set out.
I initially downloaded the sampler and played with it to get a feel. After a few minutes of playing with it I went back and got theother two sets. This set has your standard corriders, 10ft across with right angles, t intersection, crossroads, straight, and a corner room conecction. This is only five tiles, but since each can be printed in an endless variety using the layers and mirror image printing, it is more valuable than 3-4 regular sets from skeletal key. I have a feeling that as newer versions come out, they will have a lot more varriety and options. This is a series to keep your eye on.
Liked: The variety of possibilites and use of layering to make great tiles. This meshes with the Innfinite-Chamber very well as well as the Vampires Den set.
Disliked: Not much, it could have used a tile with a single room enterance, but I assume that will come in add on packs.
Satisfaction: Very high, I almost wish I was running D&D or another dungeon crawl again. But I'll find a similar use for Savage Worlds.