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Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Daniel H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2014 15:30:19

Full disclosure: I am a MCG Asset Team Member

There are plenty of thorough reviews of Numenera online, and I'm not going to try and replicate them. What I will note are a couple of major strengths of the game:

1) I demoed the system at a FLGS, and it took about 30 minutes to create characters and explain the rules. By the first go-through of actions, everyone around the table had grasped the core mechanics. This is a very accessible system. 2) The GM really doesn't roll much, if ever. Not only does this give the players more to do, but it grants the GM more time and freedom during encounters to look things up/explain what's going on/otherwise get stuff done. This is a very liberating system to run. 3) The world encompasses a bit of everything, from medieval to sci-fi, from steam punk to Lovecraftian. As a campaign progresses, you can introduce new elements to keep things fresh. So this is also a very wide-ranging system.

Monte Cook has plenty of experience in the game design world, and Numenera uses a stripped down version of more complex games and ends up with something more like Fate which focuses on the story rather than the rules. This is a good thing!

Buy it, try it. Even if you hate the rules, there is so much to plunder within the corebook for your other campaigns that it's money well spent!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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A Small Task for Appleview D&D 4th edition for Fantasy Grounds II
Publisher: DW Publications
by Daniel H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2008 18:22:25

I have to agree with the first reviewer...I think I will find this product most useful as a template on how to build your own campaign for FGII. The overall product just felt a little too amateurish compared to much of the other independently published material that's available. It comes with a few maps and images that are usable, but overall I doubt I'll run much of this.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
A Small Task for Appleview D&D 4th edition for Fantasy Grounds II
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