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The Holding Heart for 4E D&D
Publisher: DW Publications
by Linda K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/29/2009 10:38:10

We've been playing this game for FIVE DAYS IN A ROW and it just keeps getting more and more surprising and interesting. The author has found the right mix of mystery, encounters, magic and new-ness so that none of my six-player team ever gets bored. The visuals that accompany the unique story and maps make me feel like I'm inside a big-budget adventure movie. The pdf says he went to Ireland and Scotland and modified his photographs to match the story. Everything in two worlds depends on the success of our team! Can't wait to get to the big-finish that this author always provides in his major adventures. This software uses all the newest 4e rules capabilities from that free ruleset... encounters, links, optional images when my players need them, lots of controls for the DM (me) to help or hinder the players, etc. We now have three males playing with my usual three females and everybody loves the story mix.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Holding Heart for 4E D&D
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A Small Task for Appleview D&D 4th edition for Fantasy Grounds II
Publisher: DW Publications
by Linda K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2008 09:52:15

God, i can't believe that other reviewer only giving this adventure module 2 stars. I'm in a all-female playing group in NYC. The five of us played the entire game. We're all IT people, so we at least have some brains. We alternatley laughed at the puns and cried at the tragedies. The end was like watching the end battle of Lord of teh Rings. Strike that---- it was like being in the end of the LOTR. After the time travel field gave us all the clues we needed, everything in this long adventure fit together, and I mean everything. That good-bad girl Geniveev (sp?) from the top level was probably the best npc our group ever saw (but we have a good dm too). We're going onto wotc's H2 module next. I've read through it. It is so tame and boring after just coming off of the appleview adventure. I asked the other players this morning if they agreed with me. They said yes and said they wanted to come down from the high of the conclusion of the appleview experience before going to a much simpler adventure like H2. Maybe we will do something different then H2 in fact. If you like long campaigns where the things you learn even at the beginning fit in at the end, play this one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Small Task for Appleview D&D 4th edition for Fantasy Grounds II
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