What a great service and what a great product!!! This is what I have been waiting for for a long time.
The PDF scan is pretty darn good. As I have read in other reviews, yes, there is a little print "bleeding" that shows through from the back side of some of the pages and yes, when printed out at 8.5 X 11 some of the text is slightly fuzzy. These minor quality "flaws" are pale in comparison to what you actually get. A PDF of the entire book in color with some map references that you can print anytime you need to reference the rules. For the price I have to say this is well worth it! I am very pleased, obviously.
When printing the document, there is perfect spacing along the left margin for either a comb spine or a ring binder. I have access to some very high quality printers and binding machines and I have printed out a fantastic copy for myself. This can also be achieved at a quality printing and binding store. As I put ware and tare on my copy I don't have to worry because I can just reprint any parts that I have damaged and replace them. Simply fantastic!