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Steampunk Angels

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Steampunk Angels
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Steampunk Angels
Publisher: Sade
by Lagr D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2013 13:34:54

A good place to start for design thoughts. Would be more useful with the files used to render these.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Steampunk Angels
Publisher: Sade
by Chris F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2008 16:12:02

I purchased Sade's Steampunk Angels stock art for use in an upcoming sci-fi/cyberpunk release, and I'm fairly satisfied with the purchase. I'll defiantly use Steampunk Angels in at least one upcoming Otherverse Games release and I plan to purchase more products from Sade as soon as my budget allows.

Right now, I'm satisfied with the design of his characters, and am looking forward to seeing what else Sade will release. The studio is turning into the 'hot chicks' publisher of note- he's kind of like the RPG Stock Art equivalent of Mike Turner, a very skilled artist who knows how to illustrate tough but sexy female characters.

That said, I don't want Sade to fall into the trap of ONLY producing female characters. Expand the range. I want male characters, mecha, cyborgs, monsters, the whole range of sci-fi and fantasy archetypes. Give me more action oriented poses, battle weary and beat-up heroic women, and designs from a variety of genres, not just fantasy and sci-fi. Give us some modern women (and men): cops, gang-chicks, doctors, realistic US military, terrorists and generic foreign fighters.

Basically, give us the works, Sade. If you keep producing images at the rate and the quality of your first few releases, we'll keep buying them.

Before I go, a short side note. The version of the file I downloaded didn't include a license or information on how the company should be credited. It's an oversight, but one that should be corrected in future releases.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi, i'm glad you like it. I try to make different type resources, as i can. I'm quite infamiliar in stock licenses, because: - when i worked as artist (im freelancer 2d artist also, you can check my gallery on, the credit was "must have" with full name. - when i worked as stock artist in independent stock agency, i didn't know nothing about the buyers, and they didn't know nothing about me, they just bought the images, and use them without credit, or letting me know. I'm new in making RPG stocks, so i thought the rules are same, and i dont have problem with it. I made also lot of resources for another artists also. So it's all on you, if you want: you credit me, if you don't want, you don't :)) Sorry about my English grammar, i know, it's far away from perfect, but i hope i was understandable :) Thanks for the kind feedback, and ideas, and suggessions! Have a nice day, i wish you best regards! Sade
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