This is a beautiful model and great fun to build. It is however not for someone who has never built cardstock models before, go download his freebies and then when you feel comfortable, dive right in! This is not a difficult model to build, it just takes a little patience to ensure you don't put something on the wrong way, like I did the first time I built it, that being said, this model make a great center piece on the gaming table!
I love this model. We built 3 of these, my sons built one and I built one. The model and instructions are very well done and very easy to understand. If you want your own dice tower, then this is the one for you, we love the custom charts that you can lay in the rolling area and build a random dungeon or hit locations.
This is probably the most complex of Dave's models that I have built and was great fun to build. I would not suggest this model for someone who has never built cardstock models, go download one of the freebies first, then you can try your hand at this beautiful model.
This is a compilation of the previously released adventures, that being said they are very good adventures and a must have for any fan of Hollow Earth. These adventures can create a great Segway into the Hollow Earth by starting your players out above ground and then you could tie the end of the adventures into the beginning of an expedition into the Hollow Earth, but remember to leave them with a cliffhanger so they will be clamoring for more.
This is a great way to get into the hobby and the price is right! I have recommended that anyone interested in cardstock modeling download all the free models, build them and then go support the companies by buying their product if you enjoy it. This is just one of many models available for you to populate a table for a fantasy city or as a centerpiece for a wargame table. These models are easy to cut & assemble!
Another great model for my city build. Dave's models are quick and easy to assemble, we have a family hobby night where the whole family sits down and builds cardstock models and plays games.
Exile hit this one out of the park! Horror is my favorite genre and now I can use one of my favorite gaming systems to run horror based games.
This is a great scenario for the Hollow Earth game. I have been a huge fan of the game setting and system from day one and now I can run a great adventure for my group when I don't feel like making my own. This definately worth the money and you will not be disapointed.
Weel Fat Dragon has done it again. I can't say enough about how cool this set is and with the revolutionary stacking design that has been incorporated into the set, it's even cooler. This set will become a definate must have for anyone want to add some serious dimension to their RPG or tabletop wargames. I use it in my fantasy wargames and my World War II games so it is a versitile set. I would even say you could use it in a modern setting for an old european town. I can't for for more in this series from FDG.
Finally got around to building this beaty and I must say I love it. I will get to show it off when my group gets together next to play.
It is fairly simple to construct, my 13 year old son has built one as well and had his done before I did.
Great job Fat Dragon, you keep maikin'em and I'll keep building'em.
Very cool set!! A great addition the the other products that FDG already has in its arsenal. This will be great for Star Wars games as well as my upcoming Spacemaster game. Thanks FDG and keep up the great work!
This is a very cool set!! The ship is very easy to assemble and looks great when finished. I plan to use it for both my space RPG games and my Sci-Fi minis games. I hope FDG does more Sci-Fi stuff in the future.
This is just another in a great line of products from Fat Dragon Games. I have the others in this series and they are all very well done. I am using them for both miiatures games and RPG games, gotta love duel purpose stuff!!
What an awesome product. I have the hardback book as well, but having the PDF just seemed like a must have to compliment the paper book. This has fasone of my favorite games. The Ubiquity system that this setting uses is very easy to understand and learn in about 5 minutes.
Like: What's not to like, it is well done, well written and has a beautiful layout.
Dislike: None
I highly recommend this book to anyone want a change from the ho hum of D20.
I added this to the first item pack from Fat Dragon and love it. With both of them I can now furnish my entire dungeon!