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Alpha Omega Core Rulebook
Publisher: Mind Storm Labs
by Larry R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/10/2008 16:35:33

Alpha Omega Core Rulebook is a surprising first release from a new studio. The production values are top notch and as good and better than products from more mainstream publishers. The setting is a curious amalgamation of several ideas that have all been done before but come together in a unique way that left me with ideas for three different campaigns within the first few pages of the setting chapters.

Artwork 5/5 The art in this book is beautiful, there's not a single awkward drawing or badly placed illustration. Matt Bradburry is an excellent artist and provides a lot of color to the book.

Editing 4/5 The editing in the book is good and all the page references are where they should be. There are a few places where the rules made me want to look for an errata immediately, however.

Layout 4/5 The book is put together logically and everything is easy to find. They have a novel way of arranging the book and explain it at the beginning, but there was plenty of space for page numbers that they never gave us. The book also is missing an index but the table of contents is deep and references every Chapter, Section, and Sub-section in the book.

Setting 5/5 The setting is excellently put together sci-fi, combining aspects from Shadowrun, Gamma World, and Trans-metropolitan along with sci-fi explanation of judeo-christian myths that make a very interesting place. The book presents the broad setting information first and then the locations and then people and groups so you have a good understanding before you get into the nitty gritty.

System 4/5 The system is a basic Target Number based, roll and add system with some interesting variants. Its heavy reliance on a variety of dice may be daunting to new players however. Character creation is long and complicated, this gives players a lot of options but may frustrate less dedicated players. The optional rules help make the game less crunchy in places but overall this is a game for the calculator wielding variety of players. The game has a high reliance on charts and stances which make everything very structured, but at the same time could get confusing at the table.

Overall 5/5 Alpha Omega is not a perfect RPG but any game that can excite me to play and run games again after years of being burned out deserves the 5.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alpha Omega Core Rulebook
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