This is a terrific product! Please consider adding escape pods (at least 2 types - single person and multiple person variants), especially for some of the larger ships.
More wreckage and more variety of bridges would also be appreciated.
I was so glad to see this product released. I enjoyed reading this and following the development of the product online. I think any referee of the game will appreciate the usefulness of this product and the thought that has gone into the samples included. Please hurry up and release a print edition!
I have picked up several products from Tabletop Adventures and I can not stress how impressed I have been with the high quality of their products and the thought that has gone into each of them.
I found it particularly surprising and useful to discover this product had been released! Some of the artwork is a little small and/or awkwardly laid out (pages 8 and 32), but all of it is of good quality, and very appropriate, while the descriptions of encounters and areas are very well thought-out and original. Time and time again, Tabletop Adventures delivers useful products.
Did I mention I like this a lot? Well, I do :)
I loved Tabletop Adventures LLC's Swamps book, and was not disappointed with this one either :) Once again brilliant descriptions of a wide variety of "believable" locations. This book is providing ideas and inspiration for adding depth to my own adventures is is a fantastic resource, regardless of genre that I am playing. Worth every penny! Now if only they would do a desert book...
I just picked this up and love it. Could use some reed tiles and some murk water-only tiles.
Once again brilliant work by Ed :)
Thanks very much!
I have wanted a copy of this book for years, and when I found that they were now available on pdf - picked it up straight away.
It is terrific! I love the artwork and the style of writing, and can't complain about the amount of information provided. I haven't spotted any problems with the OCR either. It doesn't seem like a rush-job effort to turn this into a pdf. I enjoyed this first book so much that I went and picked up the first two supplements a little while later.
I love the fact that this is a complete stand-alone game, but is compatible with a number of Palladium's other systems. Great stuff, and thanks for making this available.
Craig J. Brain
I have really enjoyed this book and love that it ties into other products such as Serenity, Battlestar Galactica and Demon Hunters. I am hoping to see Supernatural sometime soon too (fingers crossed!).
An excellent, original system which is both elegant and flexible. I look forward to seeing what other settings people come up with using it.
Craig J. Brain
I am a massive fan of sci-fi RPGs, and for something different from the system I usually play or write for I picked up this. Every penny has been well-spent as far as I am concerned. This game has captured my imagination with it's depiction of pulp-style sci-fi. Great artwork, a cool setting and a neat set of rules. It is well-presented and to paraphrase a certain well known computer company.... "it just works..."
Great stuff. Thank you!
I found this product to be extremely useful. It doesn't really matter what genre you play, a swamp is a swamp :) It is a simple matter to swap out a fantasy element to add a sci-fi or science-fantasy element.
The details on types of swamps, gasses and mud were enlightening and very useful.
Craig J. Brain
Another terrific set of tiles. I found using these tiles to create a floor plan for large environmental biodome on a starship to be a snap. The free bonus tile - an elevator - is a welcome addition and the expansion tiles work well with other sets in this series. I love the possibilities that this set offers and look forward to seeing what SkeletonKey Games offers in future for this range.
I am a huge fan of this tile set. I found that the tiles are great to look at, while not being too cluttered with "eye candy" and easily arranged to provide interesting terrain. I am really looking forward to the other expansions in this range, as all of the ones that I have picked up so far have been very good. Combining this with other tiles in the "Galactic" series, it is very simple to create a nearly endless maze of starship corridors for your hapless adventures to wander down and be hopelessly lost in :)