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Sundered Skies - Players Guide $10.49
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Sundered Skies - Players Guide
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Sundered Skies - Players Guide
Publisher: Triple Ace Games
by Samuel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2010 13:53:24

Good stuff, everything your players need to know. Two minor quibbles: 1) It should probably be slightly cheaper. 2) It includes the table of contents for the whole setting book, which could be a little spoilerish for your players. Otherwise, again, good stuff.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sundered Skies - Players Guide
Publisher: Triple Ace Games
by Timo S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2010 07:21:23

All the stuff that you want to show your players, without anything "not for their eyes" I personally hated the fact about Sundered Skies basic book (I own printed copy) that on the same opening that has the last page of players' Gazetteer you they reveal the whole plot of the campaign. The next page has a title that is a dead giveaway (I'm not gonna say it, but you GMs know what I mean). This PDF solves that problem.

I recommend this product to any GM who does not think 14.99$ is a lot of money and wants to make their life a little bit easier :) If you let your players read it, they will be more committed to the game remember.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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