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Daughter of Nexus (Exalted) $6.99
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Daughter of Nexus (Exalted)
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Daughter of Nexus (Exalted)
Publisher: White Wolf
by Ismael A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2016 00:39:39

Despite the fact that the short adventure format is now defunct, this initial foray into actual adventure design is refreshing, given that Exalted (and White Wolf as a whole) tends to either shy away from adventures, or does large sweeping and vague adventures that are neither centralized nor suitable for one or two sessions.

So Daughter of Nexus is the remedy for that. The story elements are down to earth, relatively speaking, and it is highly relatable, which is great for a group just getting started. Second edition Exalted eventually became plagued with the idea that demigods were only suited to fight things that could swallow continents or punch new grand canyons into existence. This product broke with that concept, and was the better for it.

The format was an interesting and loose guide to a chain of events that could unfold in potentially any order, and went well with the less linear style of play that White Wolf espoused.

All in all, this adventure is great, and studies an excellent design space that is seldom explored in Exalted products. 5 Stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Daughter of Nexus (Exalted)
Publisher: White Wolf
by Richard J. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2009 21:42:08

Its a module for Exalted, and so you have to do some railreading to get it to work. But I think with some modifictions and a liberal use of what's here, its a great cournal to start a game with.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Daughter of Nexus (Exalted)
Publisher: White Wolf
by Nathan O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/24/2008 18:29:48

This is a great for Exalted and new plarye rthe new sas is fun to play and raed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Daughter of Nexus (Exalted)
Publisher: White Wolf
by Jaron K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/16/2008 23:31:37

I gotta give it 4 stars.

It was a great story that took about 6 hours of actual game time. It included Mass Combat, Social Combat, crime scene investigations, Fair Folk, Death knights, etc.

All in all it was exciting and fun to play, my only complaints are that it didn't include any new info at all, no artifacts, no canon, no nothing.

Also it didn't include any special rewards for completion, which isn't all that bad because it's up to the story teller but still...

I strongly recomend this product to any ST who wants to introduce the guild or just take a night off from writing his own story.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Daughter of Nexus (Exalted)
Publisher: White Wolf
by Chris W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/16/2008 18:51:47

I am very pleased with this Product and hope to see more like it. Everything is very well structured and easy to integrate and add to the storyline. You can add scenes in that you created or modify the existing ones easily into your own story. White-wolf has finally given me a system and game that has yanked me out of D&D for good. I changed to Exalted simply because it is more fun and alot less work to run. Especially with products like SAS adventures. I hope that more SAS products become available for Exalted in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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