Despite the fact that the short adventure format is now defunct, this initial foray into actual adventure design is refreshing, given that Exalted (and White Wolf as a whole) tends to either shy away from adventures, or does large sweeping and vague adventures that are neither centralized nor suitable for one or two sessions.
So Daughter of Nexus is the remedy for that. The story elements are down to earth, relatively speaking, and it is highly relatable, which is great for a group just getting started. Second edition Exalted eventually became plagued with the idea that demigods were only suited to fight things that could swallow continents or punch new grand canyons into existence. This product broke with that concept, and was the better for it.
The format was an interesting and loose guide to a chain of events that could unfold in potentially any order, and went well with the less linear style of play that White Wolf espoused.
All in all, this adventure is great, and studies an excellent design space that is seldom explored in Exalted products. 5 Stars.