Mutant Future is a great old-school inspired title.
I had the pleasure of playtesting these rules with my family and friends on a number of occasions and it is a joy to see the finished product. I've played it with players as young as 10 years old with no RPG experience to speak of and 50 year olds with decades of experience and it went over well.
The rules work very well for post-apocalptic adventures full of mutant oddities wether on the ruins of earth or so far flung world. Character creation is simple and fun with character choices being Human, mutnat human, mutant animal, android and mutnat plant. Mutant powers and ability scores are randomly determined. Not all characters are perfectly balanced against each other and sometimes it is possible to get a rather odd character that is a challenge to play; I simply love that sort of thing. Mutant animals are kept simple, no long lists of different base critters that generally go ignored with players simply picking from the 2 or 3 best options all mutnat animals are really defined by the mutatiosn rolled up with the occasional natural attack thrown in. There is a fair amount given to playing andriods and replicants that needs a little more work from the GM to fully implemen t(imho) but the starting point is sold and well defined. Mutant plants are a truely bizzare but playable character option.
The ruels assume a quasi-mideaval socitey in a area that once maintained an advanced technological society as the baseline starting point for campaigns and the equipment list reflects this. With a little work it woudl be easy to have campaigns with different starting points as there is a lot of stuff covered in this book.
I was initially surprised to find a lawful/neutral/chaotic style alignment system but the simple breakdown of those brief but broad descriptions work and fit.
There are a host of mutant/monsters included in this book from medusoids to spider goats. There are so many one could easily keep the game going for s good long time without even needing to tap the bulit in monster generator that the Pc creation system is.
There is a wide range of technological artifacts for one discover from dehydrated noodles to x-ray lasers.
The art varies from simple to amazing and includes soem clipart pieces, all in all it is evocative and does a good job in illustratign the game.
I've really just scratched the surface in thise write-up. The rules are simple and old-school: Ability scores, armor class, hit points and saving throws. Good stuff. Easy to get to the fun.