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Warriors: A Comprehensive OGL Sourcebook for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
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Warriors: A Comprehensive OGL Sourcebook for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
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Warriors: A Comprehensive OGL Sourcebook for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Darin H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/18/2018 09:27:31

My favorite part of this book is the very lore friendly Mechanist specialties. These are the tech subclasses that use things like repeating crossbows, alchemist fire bombs, rockets (yes, rockets) and several other weapons and even ancient mechanical armor-like devices made from something similar to golem magic. So, you could have a fighter in power armor firing rockets and it is all D&D lore friendly. That's pretty awesome if you ask me.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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