I purchased this pdf when it first came out, but even though I was quite excited about the game, I had a very hard time trying to wrap my head around the mechanics.
However, the Eldritch pdf was recently updated so I downloaded and printed it off again. While I haven’t checked to see how much of the original text was changed, what I do know is that the updated version IS VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND. This time, as soon as I had finished reading through the chapter on Character Creation (which is only eight pages long), I had a very solid grasp of the system. And that’s before I had even read the next chapter that describes the Action System!
Personally, I really like how the how game uses the same basic resolution method (other reviewers have detailed it well) for most everything – skill use, combat, spell-casting, etc. It is intuitive, quick and easy-to-pick-up.
Yeah, the text is kind of small and the interior art is dark and too cgi-looking for my tastes, but the Game Design notes found in the margins of nearly every page as well as the cover art are great!
Truly, Eldritch is now exactly what it claims to be – a perfect rpg for cinematic fantasy.
I’m changing systems!
Four Stars – text size and interior art brought it down from five.
John Adams
Brave Halfling Publishing