Overall a good module. I'm generally sceptical about pre-made adventures but I was pleasently surprised of this one. I've been running an Alpha-Omega campaing for the last four months and decided to give this module a try. The premiss is good and lead for an easy integration with any campaing. Altough overall quite short (Approx 2-3 sessions depending how easily your players get distracted) the module covers very well the different possible path your players might take. You may need to ajust the encounters difficulty to make them harder especially if your players are combat oriented. (I have 6 players at roughly 2,000CDP and I neede to make the monsters significantly harder).
As for the GM preparation, I read it once the night before the game, took a few notes here and there and I was good to go. It is easy to understand and the skill checks are well defined for common actions.
Great module for beginners or for seasond players as well!