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HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone
Publisher: Khepera Publishing
by Scott N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2009 12:57:47

Awesome product, I have the PDF & HC editions, the game is very neat and quite different & original. I Highly recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone
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A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying
Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
by Scott N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2009 19:12:42

SIFRP is an excellent game, the world is neat and the rules are quite simple, also NO MAGIC!.... Not because they forgot it but because the world has none, magic was in use long ago, but has vanished from the world of Westeros, the game relies more on a players abilities to acomplish things than the ability of a player character to change his environment with magic, a welcomed change for me.

The system reminds me of the L5R Roll and Keep system, except with d6's instead of d10's but not exactly the same. To me its one of the finest rpg's from anyone I have seen in a long time, the artwork is very well done and is full color. I have both the PDF & the HB Book. Buy it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying
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Fantasia: Book Of All Knowing—core rules
Publisher: New Dimension Games
by Scott N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2009 17:23:32

Fantasia is a great OLD SCHOOL style game also were else can you roll a d30 for something, Fantasia is the only one I know of so far. If you dont have any d30, go to the hobby shop and get a few. I also own this in hard copy as well, great game. If you dont like d20 stear clear, if you dont care get it. You might want to get the Book of Quests & the Book of Journeys as well. This game rocks!


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasia: Book Of All Knowing—core rules
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Starquest: Universal Rules—core rules
Publisher: New Dimension Games
by Scott N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2009 10:22:05

OK, I had bought the printed version first off Lulu and then the PDF here. The game overall is excellent, i have ran it a few times now and my players love it, its kinda a poor mans version of Star Wars, as it has Dune Men (Tusken Raiders), Ju-Wa (Jawas), Knights or Lunar Knights if you have the Celendrian system resource book (the Jedi of SQ). I feel the creator wanted to play Star Wars but did'nt want to buy the books from Wotc to do it (lol). For those interrested in a Sci-Fi game go somewhere else for that, i suggest Thousand Suns or traveller, this game is strickly SCI-FANTASY!!! in a Big Way, you can create any race you want to play and starships are easy to build as well. The game uses the standard D&D dice sets (d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4 & d100), the system for combat is very OGL like but the system for Ability & Skill checks is not, it took awhile to get used to, also there are many charts in the game, which makes the GM's job even harder over 199 tables in all, some are needed more than others on a continuous basis, like the combat and the treasures tables, a Quick Reference page of tables should have been created for this game, i have no idea why there isnt one, it needs it. Otherwise It is quite fun, if you can get past the plagerisim in the game from Star wars, Star trek, Aliens, etc. I think they stuck every Sci-Fi/Fantasy universe they could think of at the time into the book, but kool none the less. Oh there are classes, Occupations and yes Levels in the game, but only 10 levels and at 10th level you retire you character as a legend, experience is slow to get and players start out at ZERO "0" level, you have to earn 1st, which is 1,000 XP, 2nd is 5,000 XP up to 9th which is 100,000 XP needed, to reach final level 10th, a player has to complete some great task related to his/her destiny, thats it.

LIKED: All encompasing rules for many types of Sci-fantasy adventures, loads or stuff packed into these rules allot of crunch and allot of choices for PC's to make.

DISLIKED: Too many charts scattered throughout book, lack of a realy well done index, especially one for all the charts or a Quick reference system of charts.

FINAL: All in All, I have to say it was well worth the cash, would like to see it in full color as its all B&W.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Starquest: Universal Rules—core rules
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Tekumel®: Empire of the Petal Throne (TSR)
Publisher: The Tekumel Foundation
by Scott N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/21/2009 09:36:55

Ok, were do I start, the thing about this PDF is you can see the entire game is a scan of an original type set document, very bland pictures inside for those that are there. The creature section is very bland with not allot of descriptions or hardly any pictures to get the feel for the creature presented. I know its a very old RPG so for nostalgic sake I wont be too picky on that. Character creation is quite different from what I'm use too and is not old D&D at all, it has some of the same feel in a way but its system is quite different, my biggest complaint is they did not include the maps, these you have to download seperate, also there are only 3 classes, Warrior, Priest & Magic User, no thief or rogue class to speak of this I find disturbing in a way. It also is very long on background and history which is ok but the language and pronunciation of words can become down right unbearable at times, also there should have been some type of name generator for player characters to give more of a feel to the cultures and world the players are expected to grow up in.

Overall I would not recomend this to a new player, the world is very detailed almost to the point of too much detail, hardly any room was left for the GM to add to, for those looking for a very detailed world to play in, its a great read, although the game system is a bit dated, I know GOO (Guardians of Order) did a new game thats suppose to be quite pretty and well updated at this writting, but I am not a fan of the Tri-Stat system for which it was made for, so have not sunk my money into that tome.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Tekumel®:  Empire of the Petal Throne (TSR)
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