One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
One Monk miniatures are some of the most innovative and exciting paper products I have seen for RPG- or wargaming in many years. Flat dungeon tiles and 3D terrain notwithstanding, One Monk figures beat all other 2D figure hands down.
They are in the more popular 28-30mm scale and easily fit with most other plastic/metal figures. The wargaming regiments even include movement trays that are compatible with magnetic basing from Litko Aerosystems (www.litko.com).
I have been making some for Warhammer Fantasy and Hordes of the Things (HOTT) in addition to those for use in my D&D 4E campaign. Once you get used to the process, you can easily print, glue, cutout and edge up to two dozen figures in an hour!
When you add in the fact that you can print as many as you want, One Monk offers free bases on their site, and each PDF includes black and white versions so you can color you rown figures, how could you go wrong!
Excellent products and well worth your time.
Not sure if it playable since I doubt I can get my group to try it, but it was definitely amusing. And the cover art is not bat, either. It did offer soem skills, etc. that can be adapted for modern games with or without supernatural elements, especially if you have a dorky character that needs to be a little dorkier.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
These tiles have become a mainstay of my fantasy adventures. I print them in color and put them onto cardstock squares for changing dungeon areas and mount some in specific combinations to make permanent or larger rooms/areas. My group has loved the new way of exploring unknown areas since it has more visual appeal than an erasable vinyl map with my scribblings on it. Since all of their tile have the same basic entry/exit points and are all based on 6-inch squares their products flawlessly interlink.
I have a large collection of SkeletonKey products and will be happy to keep adding to it with more of their excellent products.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
I had always imagined a product like this being available and here it is. There are plenty of product featuring "public domain" art for fantasyt characters but none I have really seen for modern.
This has saved me a great deal of effort mining the Internet for images that I can use. Some of these backgrounds will become recurring NPCs in my D20 Modern and Stargate SG-1 games.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Interesting backgrounds that lend themselves well to PCs as they have some quirk or twist in their biographies that can be easily turned into appropriate skills/feats/advantages/disadvantages/etc. for PCs as well as NPCs.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Some very interesting magic items, not suitable for every campaign, but since one of my adventure paths featured a lot of undead, the Death Killer good-aligned mace was very helpful to the players, even though it was only onloan from the local temple.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The color illustrations are a nice touch.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The font was a little much for my tastes, preferring an easier to read Times New Roman or Arial since I often print parts of my PDFs as handouts for my players.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
An interesting advance for D20 Modern spellcasters from the "offical" options that I plan on intergrating into my D20 Modern campaign when the players are ready.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Not loaded with too much artwork but still plenty of detail.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: While their other prodcuts are also good purchases, I might have liked some other FX material and perhaps a sample PC/NPC, too. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
While not suitable for every D20 Modern campaign, I found a player in my group who wanted his wife to play but she was not interested. I mentioned that I had seen this product online and he said his wife might be interested in someting more "girly." After I bought UMC and gave him the character class information, his wife joined our group and has been a great asset to their party since, not only does she provide some well-appreciated "color" to the game, but her unique non-experienced insights have solved more than one dilemma facing the party.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: I appreciate that both a printer-friendly and monitor-friendly version are provided as well as alternate color covers for those who like to carry a print version.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>