This product is extremely disappointing to me. The artwork is incredibly good and the interface for designing a beautiful 6x6 tile is simple and easy to use. That however is all it does.
You cannot save tiles. You cannot create more than one at a time. You must print your 6x6 tile before you can design another one. The implication on the product page to me was that you could design a tile, place it amongst a larger group to form a larger map. The example of a map made with wilderness tile designer seemed to imply that to me. This is not the case at all. You print a numbered design grid. Then hand sketch what you basically want the overall map to look like and then design tiles accordingly. You cannot however save those tiles onto the grid provided it is for planning only.
My second issue with the product is that the tile design is 6x6. That is not a very useful size for the average printer and since you are forced to print the tiles and put them together you waste a lot of paper.
Okay.....Those were my gripes. That being said it can be a very useful tool and the art is very nice. For a computer beginner this is a fine accesory to make 6x6 tiles with.
I suggest for anyone with paint shop or photoshop to make their tiles their or use a mapping program. It will save paper and is a much "greener" solution