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Cosmology of Karma
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Cosmology of Karma
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Ward M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/02/2009 23:39:33

I love this product! Regardless of what game you play, this product should be in your collection. While intended for use with the Karma Roleplaying System, this product contains no system-specific information.

What this product does do is provide a planar framework for your campaign. You can use the framework presented here, then effortlessly slide your own pantheon of deities into the setting. It will come off looking like you went to a lot of trouble to add layers of realism to your campaign. Simply incredible!

I especially appreciate the fact that this product comes bundled with a gray-scale verson suitable for printing.

20 page PDF file price: $4.99

good value for the price high-quality scan

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cosmology of Karma
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Nadine S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2008 11:46:36

This product is gorgeous. Just beautiful use of photos for illustration, it’s definitely the prettiest product I’ve bought so far! Of course, printing this was a bear, and almost destroyed my printer. A text only file or grayscale file would be nice. This PDF is also extremely well written, and presents some unique ideas for using the planes. As you read through it, you get this slight Elder Gods/Lovecraftian vibe from the writer. This PDF presents humans as either a food source for planar beings, lab rats, or minor nuisances for the most part, and it rethinks the motivations of different planar beings like demons (daemons), devils, gods, angels, and an assortment of others. I particularly liked the presentation of The Flux, which is where the four elemental planes of earth, air, fire, and water exist. Provides just enough information for GMs to customize the planar beings for their own games regardless of what type of game you might happen to be running at the time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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