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Book of Experimental Might
Publisher: Malhavoc Press
by Salvador M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2008 21:39:36

You're either going to love what Monte's done in hs house rule set, or your going to hate it, I think. There's some pretty deep changes here for the magic using classes that take them into DnD 3.6 territory (the spell progression changes and introduction of disciplines warrants a .1 version increment, at least). Very much changes things up so that your spellcasters get something new and shiny every level, instead ofe very other level, all with the goal of extending the number of encounters you can go through before having to rest.

Liked it enough that I'll probably rebuy in paper form if it becomes available.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Book of Experimental Might
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Complete Spell Cards - Updated
Publisher: The Other Game Company
by Salvador M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2007 21:06:02

Wonderful compilation of SRD spells, in an easily referenced format. Mix this with LPJ Design's Character Spell Book prop and you've got an easy way to stop referencing the PHB/SRD during gameplay. Could do with some different size options (3"x5" variant), as the printed size on 8.5"x11" is roughly the size of Arkham Horror cards. Portable, but not so great for precise cutting or printing.

Pro - Great idea and presentation, let's you check the overlap from the PHB/SRD without constant cross-referencing or table checking Con - Printed size is small. Might be more useful if it could be "recomposed" in different sizes. As layed out, not much "give" for cutting.

Very Satisfied. Only the size and difficulty cutting cleanly lops it down to a 4-star.

Combined in a bundle with the LPJ Design Spell book, solid 5.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Complete Spell Cards - Updated
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Character Props: Player Spell Book (OGL)
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Salvador M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2007 20:57:19

I picked this up as part of LPJ's Thanksgiving weekend sale, and, while it's a very nice compilation of the spell titles from the SRD (with some blank room for your custom spells), it doesn't add much in terms of "quick look" functionality. If you want something to keep track of spells as ammo, it's great.

Pro - Complete SRD spell list, with space for spells cast and ability modifiers Con - Only lists spell titles. No details on each spell.

Overall - Satisfied

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Character Props: Player Spell Book (OGL)
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