What really makes this book PDF amazing is in as little as two pages, SKR does amazing job creating a toolkit that any GM can use to make NPCs as needed while taking something very familiar and making it see all new, interesting and original. I Love it!
As always excellent work for Pathfinder fans and best of all, it's free!
As always, Pathways is one of the best e-zines on the market today for Pathfinder. Best of all IT'S FREE!!!
I have read many of the reviews for this product and I have to agree it is a good solid idea that has a few issues with the implantation of it. But still a solid idea that can be add-on to and expanded. I think I got my monies worth, but I would love an update dealing with the stated issues.
Exactly everything I thought it would be. Perfect.
Great price for 3 images that could be used as covers. You have to pick these up.
These were exactly what I was looking for and really helped me out more than I thought they would. I just wish they were all on their own pages. Great purchase.
Creator Reply: |
5 pack is avaible from this series. i hope you will like all |
These were exactly what I was looking for and really helped me out more than I thought they would. I just wish they were all on their own pages. Great purchase.
The best full color stock art product lines selling on the PDF market today, and I am even comparing it to my own Image Portfolio series. You can go wrong with Shaman’s Stockart series. All of them are great!
The best full color stock art product lines selling on the PDF market today, and I am even comparing it to my own Image Portfolio series. You can go wrong with Shaman’s Stockart series. All of them are great!
The best full color stock art product lines selling on the PDF market today, and I am even comparing it to my own Image Portfolio series. You can go wrong with Shaman’s Stockart series. All of them are great!
The best full color stock art product lines selling on the PDF market today, and I am even comparing it to my own Image Portfolio series. You can go wrong with Shaman’s Stockart series. All of them are great!
I knew when I purchased this PDF it would be of incredible quality, but even I was surprised about how much in to depth it went. All the topics that were focused were good for first times and experienced game setting developers. The chapters that I felt were the best for me were Chapter 2: Shorter, Faster, Harder Less; Chapter 6: Using and Abusing Misdirection and Chapter 9: Stagecraft: The Play is the thing. If you are a starting company looking to release your own game setting in to the market, YOU MUST PURCHASE THIS PDF. I can but it any simpler.
This PDF only received 4 out of 5 stars for two reasons, 1) There were a few editing/spelling mistakes in this latest version; 2) No Bookmarks. I mean, that is an EASY one. PDFs always lose a star if they don’t have them. But if you can over look those two flaws the Kobold Guide to Game Design is more than worth it.
Once again Monte Cook proves why he is one of the greatest names in OGL/D20 development and creation. Monte expands the games we play in ways most people don't think of and best of all this product is for free. That is a complete win-win for anyone who picks up this product.
A very reasonable priced and good looking stock art collection.