As were most of the kithbooks, this one seemed to be completely counter-intuitive to the source book. As a Changeling fanatic (yes, I use that term VERY clearly) I was somewhat disappointed as the book did seem to make light of their prankster nature, and introduced nothing truly unique to the book. The only real thing that was useful was showing those who were uninitiated the differences in the lying styles of the pooka (something that any skilled role player can accomplish without a hand) and the clear explanation that some species are going to be rarer than others. The latter was good and bad for the roleplaying community. Good, as it gave the option of using freebies to choose their animals, thus making it more difficult for one to choose a predatory animal, but bad, in the fact that it made those who wanted to be a unique and special snowflake just use the dots to make themselves a more predatory animal and make the excuse that it's a legal character because they spent the points on it. Nevertheless, it isn't a total loss. Those who wish to play a Pooka should at least see a copy of this book, just to get some basics, but they should not rely on this book on its own.