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Requiem for a God
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Requiem for a God
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Requiem for a God
Publisher: Malhavoc Press
by Simon G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/18/2008 07:19:08

As a PDF: Most Malhavoc products have a clean design, mostly B&W with reasonable white space. This makes them quick to read and lighter on toner. This one is no exception.

As a product:

This is a sourcebook covering possibilities of a deity dying, or being resurrected, and how to implement this into your campaign. Bearing in mind this is written by the author of the Planescape adventure Dead Gods, you can see Monte Cook recycling his ideas.

As is typical for this kind of book, there are new spells, feats, items, prestige classes and monsters. Most function around the concept that the body and soul of a deity have residual power that can be exploited. If you don't like the concept that dead gods can be carved up and used to fuel spells, you probably won't enjoy this book, as it doesn't offer much in the way of alternative approaches.

What it does offer is solid enough. Whether you like it or not will depend on how your ideas mesh with those presented here.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Requiem for a God
Publisher: Malhavoc Press
by Chris G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/19/2007 00:00:00

Requiem for a God is an Event Book by Monte Cook, possible the most recognizable name in the d20 market. An Event Book is simply a single product that covers a campaign-changing event. The event covered here is the death of a god.

The book is soft bound and 64 pages in length for $12.95. It was originally released as a pdf. The layout seems sparse, as there is a lot of white space in the borders. The art is pretty good, but some of the pieces are reused from else where in the book. The full color cover is a nice piece by Kieran Yanner of some priests with a glowing box in the foreground.

The book takes on through the process starting with how the god or gods die to what happens to their followers. It has suggestions for how to handle things like what happens to the body, what happens on the site of the death, and how to involve the players in all of it. Overall, while I found many of the ideas interesting, I constantly felt that there needed to be more. There are good ideas, but nothing really awe-inspiring. Many of these ideas are very much common sense and I think a greater level of detail was needed.

There are rules for what happens to a cleric after his god dies including a variant that allows a cleric to keep at least some of their spell ability. There are rules for using the blood and body of the god as magical items that give temporary abilities. Then there are energy wells that are created where the deity dies. The first prestige class is the Disaffected. They are devious clerics of either a dead god, or of someone who has lost faith in their god. There is also the Harvester of Divinity that seek out dead gods to retrieve parts. There are a couple other prestige classes as well. They all seem well balanced and decent enough. There are also new feats that deal with the gods blood and the god?s body. There are also many new spells, some new magical items and artifacts, some monsters and templates. As with all of Monte?s stuff , balance should not be an issue with any of this.

Overall, I just found the book lacking. It?s a fine book, and does the job it sets out to do. I think it could have gone beyond that. Some of the pages I feel are wasted as they are filled with NPCs and organizations. These things just did not seem to fit that well.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Requiem for a God
Publisher: Malhavoc Press
by Gavin K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/02/2005 07:28:04

The Times of Trouble? No, this book goes beyond what happened in the Forgotten Realms Campaign. The deaths of Bhaal, Bane, and Myrkul had serious implications but were not really expounded with enthusiasm in the available Realmsian literature.

THIS book attempts to help you out with how to kill a god in your campaign and delves into details to provide a complete all-rounded package!

The death of an immortal being has immense repercussions and is a major event that needs some thought. Fortunately, there is a step-by-step procedure that will help you out in almost all aspects - making sure there is no stone left unturned. There are essentially 8 chapters to elaborate on this tantalizing premise.

First, you get a discussion on how to prepare for the event and then providing you options on integrating the event into your campaign.

The third chapter provides four new prestige classes which further adds flavour to the theme. 1) The DISAFFECTED are those who once followed a god, drawing upon the deity’s power for their own use, but have since lost that power. 2) The HARVESTERS OF DIVINITY are the heart and soul of the Memento Mori, an organization that seeks dead gods to gain knowledge. 3) The NECROTHEOLOGIST specializes in the study of dead gods. 4) THRENODIES have skills that meld those of a fighter and a bard with those of a necromancer. They work primarily for the Cabal of the Dirge, a group that protects the cycle of life and death, including godly deaths.

About the two groups of antagonists described in the book: "The Cabal of the Dirge looks upon the Memento Mori as scavengers, defilers, and thieves. The Memento Mori simply attempts to avoid the Cabal and its agents, for its members see little profit in fighting." Such a rivalry makes for interesting role-playing scenarios.

Finally, there are then a dozen new feats, 34 new spells, new magical items, 3 new monsters (divinity parasite, godflesh golem, and spectre of the divine), and seven adventure ideas suitable for various character levels and campaign styles.

Personally, I find the book very informative and I might probably run it in the near future taking most of the ideas from the book. Buy this book if you are interested in adding a twist to your campaign. Recommended.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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