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Sufficiently Advanced
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Sufficiently Advanced
Publisher: Valent Games
by Roy L. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/04/2013 20:47:02

5/5 stats for people&ships now planet development&replicants stats,how to talk the logicans league out of anything

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sufficiently Advanced
Publisher: Valent Games
by Daniel D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/03/2010 22:53:41

I've never had a chance to properly run this game, not for want of interest but for want of time. The system looks solid enough, though the technology could have been more cleanly organized and certain attributes are underutilized (biotechnology doesn't seem to be good for very much but sporting events). Even so, I found it to be inspiring reading, an RPG the like of which I have never seen before and likely never will again. This game has influenced all my sci-fi gaming since, especially the surprisingly delightful cultures found within. For $1.00, how can you say no?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sufficiently Advanced
Publisher: Valent Games
by Edmund W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/24/2010 23:26:32

Sufficiently Advanced is semi-hard sci-fi done very well. I call it "semi-hard" because the degree of "speculative" in the science might make some people think it a little less "hard" than it should be. However, the setting is well done, with enough detail and scope to give you plenty to work with and enough room left behind to give you plenty of room. The setting is a transitory one, at several points telling you that the current state of the universe isn't going to remain forever, and isn't intended to. However, there is no actual "metaplot", in that there's no one way the setting is supposed to go.

The system is made up of a neat balance of immersionist and narrativist gaming. Despite not liking most narrativist games (more of a simulationist/immersionist myself), the narrativist element is extremely well done, with characters bringing their own tropes with them where they go. The system is very flexible, and allows you to play as functional characters anything from a poor old unaugmented human to the most advanced posthuman conceivable within the confines of modern science.

The game also gets considerable support online at You'll find some of my contributions, as well as those of many others, there, including ways of bending the system and setting to better reflect your way of gaming or your envisioned future. Both system and setting are very flexible within limits.

To me, the only downside of the game is the general focus on playing Patent Officers. Intellectual property is the only property of any significant value in the setting (since you can replicate any substance you want), and the Patent Office is extremely important for policing the international economy, making it rather like a World International Property Organization with police enforcement powers. Awesome as this is, there are times I want something else. However, the game is not so dependant on this concept that you cannot break from it. The game's open to other concepts, it just isn't as supportive of them.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sufficiently Advanced
Publisher: Valent Games
by Sébastien K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/08/2009 13:51:50

Un jeu à découvrir, rien que pour le plaisir de la lecture. Dans la même veine que Nobilis par exemple, il explore les thèmes transhumanistes en s'affranchissant de règles étouffantes.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sufficiently Advanced
Publisher: Valent Games
by Darren K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/14/2008 14:39:51

A very solid and innovative ruleset that, for the first time, makes Ultra-High-Tech Sci-Fi setting playable and fun. Simple core mechanics that cover a huge variety of situations, and story/theme driven plot mechanics that manage to keep the feel of supertech societies without sacrificing the drama or human element.

This game is a must-have purchase for anyone who wants to play a Sci-Fi game as something other than a Space Opera or Gunfest.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for the compliments! If you're interested, there's an official site for the game at . It has premade PCs, plot generators, forums, and other useful items.
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