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Cel-Maris Station (Fudge™ Version) $5.00
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Cel-Maris Station (Fudge™ Version)
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Cel-Maris Station (Fudge™ Version)
Publisher: Beautifulharmony Multimedia
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2009 04:44:33

I have the impression the author was of two minds whether to write this as a Hard SF or Space Opera supplement, so, unusually enough, he's provided plenty of high-quality support for both. Combines wit, danger and some interesting background ideas. As my fellow reviewer mentioned, it doesn't seem difficult to adapt to another setting.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cel-Maris Station (Fudge™ Version)
Publisher: Beautifulharmony Multimedia
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/22/2008 17:54:30

Very nice setting (a cycler station going from Earth to Mars) and good mystery (a bit linear, but still good). Setting can be used for other games as well: "Titanic", "Apollo-13" and other movies could be set on this boat in space.

Good Fudge material, with only a few points I thought were not as well described -- and even those few points were responded to in less than a day on the Fudge Forums (if I can't identify the responder as author or Fudge community member, my apologies)!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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